- A Romanian is not “surprised”… his “face has fallen off” (i-a picat fața).
- A Romanian didn’t just “do so much with so little”…he “made a whip out of shit” (face din rahat bici).
- A Romanian won’t “lose temper”…his “mustard will jump off” (îi sare muștarul).
- A Romanian hasn’t just “screwed up”…he “threw his boogers in the beans” (a dat cu mucii-n fasole).
- A Romanian won’t “try to fool you”…he’ll “throw vapours at you” (te aburește).
- Nor will he “lie to you”… he’ll “sell you doughnuts” (vinde gogoși).
- A Romanian doesn’t “suddenly get it”… his “coin drops” (îi pică fisa).
- A Romanian is not “extremely tired”…he’s “cabbage.” His life is not “chaotic”… it’s “cabbage.” And his room is not “a complete mess”…it’s also “cabbage” (varză).
- A Romanian doesn’t simply deem an effort “useless”… he says it’s “a rub on a wooden leg” (frecție la picior de lemn).
- You don’t “drive a Romanian nuts”… you “take him out of his watermelons” (îl scoți din pepeni).
- A Romanian will not have “the impostor syndrome”… he will “feel with the fly on his cap” (se simte cu musca pe căciulă).
- In Romania, things are not “far away”… they’re “at the devil’s mother” (la mama naibii).
- A Romanian is not “crazy”…he’s “gone on a raft” (dus cu pluta).
- A Romanian won’t tell you to stop “wasting time”… he’ll tell you to stop “rubbing the mint” (frecă menta).
- A Romanian won’t say that something is “cool”… he’ll say it’s “concrete” (beton).
- A Romanian is not “nervous”… he “has a carrot (in the ass)” (are un morcov în fund).
- A Romanian doesn’t just “keep quiet”… he “keeps quiet like the pig in a corn field” (tace ca porcu-n păpușoi).
- As a Romanian you don’t “fool yourself”… you “get drunk with cold water” (te îmbeți cu apă rece).
- A Romanian is not “stupid”… he’s “a Venice bush” (tufă de Veneția).
- A Romanian won’t “call it quits”… he’ll “stick his feet in” (își bagă picioarele).
- A Romanian has’t been „scammed”…he „took a spike” (a luat țeapă).
- A Romanian is not a „drunkard”…he’s a „blotting paper” (sugativă).
- A Romanian will not look at you „confused”..he will „stare like the craw at the bone” (ca cioara la ciolan).
- A Romanian doesn’t have „unusual ideas”… he has ” a curly mind” (are minte creață).
- A Romanian “doesn’t look at someone confused”…”he stares like a cat in the calendar” (se uită ca pisica in calendar).
- A Romanian is not “unsuitable for the job in hand”… he is “like an old lady with a machine gun” (ca baba si mitraliera).
- A Romanian is not “pulling the wool over someone’s eyes”… he is “walking with the painted crow ” (umblă cu cioara vopsită).
- A Romanian doesn’t say “ there’s static on the TV”… he says “the TV has fleas” (televizorul are pureci).
- A Romanian doesn’t “make a mountain out of a molehill”… he “makes a stallion out of a mosquito” (face din țânțar armasar).
- A Romanian won’t tell you “walk away and leave me in peace”…he will tell you “walk the bear” (plimbă ursul).
- A Romanian won’t tell you that you “disappeared when you were most needed”…he will tell you that you “disappeared like the donkey in the mist” (ai dispărut ca magarul in ceață).
- A Romanian doesn’t tell you are “doing or saying something crazy” … he will tell you “have dwarfs on your brains” ( ai pitici pe creier).
- A Romanian doesn’t “do something wrong”…he “steps on the lightbulb” (calcă pe bec).
- A Romanian doesn’t “make a little go a long way”…he “makes a whip out of a poo” (face din rahat bici).
Sper că postarea mea v-a fost de folos. 🙂 Pentru meditații la engleza nu ezitați să mă contactați pe Skype la: meditatii-engleza!